Hello week 3!!
I looked forward to you with great enthusiasm and when I finally had the chance to meet you, I was at first quite reluctant to embrace you. But when I actually did, I didn't have the heart to let you go because of the paramount information and endless resources you could offer. ........... :))
To recall the first day of this week, I was quite busy absorbing all the things available on week 3 course website. The first thing I did was creating my delicious page and happily bookmarking all the sites I liked knowing I won't lose them as long as I have the account. It was quite a delicious adventure and I had to remind myself to do other tasks rather than being absorbed in just one direction. I could share this with my students and they were also thrilled to use this site to meet their needs. Thanks to webskill course and our instructor, Courtney.
Right after that, the uphill task began that is to meet the mid week deadline. Due to the time differences, I felt like the first part of the week was a complete rush for me. My struggle ended as soon as I finished my first assignment. What a relief. I had done quite a lot of readings and explored a lot of websites concerning Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation Skills.
Randall's website "http://www.esl-lab.com/" has been my favorite and I could use it, adapt it to suit the needs of my students and to my satisfactory, they had learned a lot too. This ten week journey is not only about me, people I deal with also benefit from what I have learned. Feeling that I have contributed to my society makes me feel elated.
I have discovered some Speaking lesson plans which are very interesting.
The origin of Ok and the activities we can use for
different level of students.
I intentionally or inadvertently use ok and I don't
even notice that it is the discourse marker I use most. Next I like is Conversation lesson plans
Teaching requires psychology and I have found this
interesting website and some activities. http://esl.about.com/library/lessons/blwhy.htm
I used speed dating and role play activities now I
have learnt some new ways to keep my lessons up to date, motivating and
interesting. I also had the chance to explore
some more websites concerning Toefl and IELTs.
I can access to
step by step guidelines and some printable worksheets which will come in
handy when I need them.
These websites are also worth looking!
The most interesting part in this week assignment was reading the projects of others which proudly represent their performance, participation in this course. Some negative thoughts crept in while I was reading, analyzing and envying them, i.e., " Will I be able to an incredible job like them?" However, a strong part of me said " Why not? " " Just do it!". Yeah, I can do it because I am doing it now. Right? I discussed about the project prepared by Camelia Paglia, I had the chance to know about other projects through the analysis of my classmates.
In my second post on nicenet, I discussed about pronunciation skill and I found these websites very informative.
BBC website is in my list to teach my students pronunciation starting from Monday. I am sure I will have positive feedback from my students on this. Participating in nicenet discussion helps me learn from others, things they have done and their ideas and feedback on what we have done help move the discussion forward at a rapid pace.
I always write my blog at the end of the week because I want to post of what I have done in one long article. So, forgive me if this week reflection is long.
It's time to say a proper Good-bye to week 3.
Like Shakespeare said " Parting is an unbearable agony"
Kyi Tha Wai